How to Watch YouTube Videos Offline | Watch YouTube Offline on YouTube

How to Watch YouTube Videos Offline | Watch YouTube Offline on YouTube

This article was made for YouTube Videos lover, so  if you are not  one of those who certainly cannot do without watching YouTube videos online  weather when at your  workplace or your home, then this guideline on how to stream or Watch YouTube Videos Offline entirely without any  data connection or better still YouTube offline feature is aimed for you.

The YouTube offline features which allow YouTube users to continue enjoying their favorite YouTube videos on their Android, Java, Symbian and iOS devices even when there is no good suitable network connection. So today we are going to show you what the YouTube’s offline feature comprises of, and how you can stream or watch YouTube Videos easily on YouTube offline.

YouTube Videos  | YouTube Offline Features

With the help of your YouTube’s offline features available on your  Android and iOS users can save any YouTube videos of their choice directly to their mobile device for later use, even when your mobile device has no  Internet connection on it. Though one of the small limitations is that these videos must first be downloaded with your ISP mobile data or over a Wi-Fi network.

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Now the below step-by-step or tutorial guild will explain clearly to you the best way on how to save YouTube videos offline on your mobile devices; this will help you manage your offline and storage settings, how to access your saved or downloaded videos and more. Firstly we are going to start with how to save YouTube Videos for offline consumption.

How to Save YouTube Videos Offline On their Android, Java, Symbian and iOS devices

  1. Launch your YouTube app on your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet and start watching a video.
  2. Now Pause the video, then tap the Save button as shown in the image below.YouTube Videos
  3. As you can see from the button, it resembles a downward-pointed arrow and can be found below the video player (or under the Details tab in the YouTube Gaming app).
  4. Please Do note that if the video isn’t available for offline viewing, it will have a crossed Add to Offline button. You cannot download such videos to your mobile device.
  5. On clicking the Add to Offline button, YouTube app will ask you to select the resolution; you will see Low, Medium, HD  of the video. Now you can choose a desired video quality from the popup menu, then hit OK.YouTube Videos
  6. Low quality will download very quickly, take lesser space on your device, but will be of relatively worse quality. Once you select the video quality, the video will begin to save on your mobile device.

And that is just how simple it is to save YouTube videos for you to watch it offline later without you using the data connection on Android phone, iOS smartphone or tablets. Once you have saved the video, below guide is how to locate your saved videos for consumption.

How to Watch YouTube Videos Offline on YouTube

When your mobile device loses network connectivity, your saved videos can now still be watched the saved YouTube Videos offline safely without interruptions directly from the app’s account section.

  1. To Launch the YouTube app on your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap the Library tab at the bottom of your mobile device as shown in the image below.
  3. Watch YouTube Offline on YouTube
  4. Tap Offline Videos beneath the Available Offline heading as shown in the image below.
  5. Tap a saved video you’d like to watch the list of videos you have saved on your mobile device. Wow, surprisingly the videos are playing fine. That is just how to Watch offline videos on YouTube

Little Tip for you: To play all saved videos as a playlist, tap the red Play button.

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You can also watch a saved YouTube Videos directly on its YouTube page. We know this guideline for saving YouTube videos were helpful?. If yes, please use the comment section below to give us feedback.